Saturday, January 19, 2008

of Holidays

There goes the end of the year, and here comes a brand new year!!!!

Christmas and New year are always refered to as holiday season for no reason.... i guess regardless of which part of the wrold you lives, end of the year are always holiday season. That leads me to conclude that "people trave during the end of the year " and that "tourism sector earns the most at the end of the year" i could be wrong, as i judge by my experince which is so little but yet sufficient.... contracdicting... yes... yes...

Most of the time, holidays are spend with family members... even if u travel, you travel with parents more often... (or is this just another "Asian/Chinese tradition")... but as for me... hmmm... hardly?

So... if you are not well infromed, i come from a very small family... a family that consist of a father , a mother, and an only child.. which so happen to be me (duh~~~)

and thus, i donoe if that's the reason... i dun travel with my family too often... reason being...

1. My ideal of holiday is, travel in groups of about 5-8 but less than 10... so with a family of 3 members... that cant be achieved.

2. Mind you, im from a typical-traditional chinese family, bonds between parents and child are not that strong, it just sometimes feel awakrd.

3. Activities that i could do during travelling are limited... my parents are not young, niether are they aged until they can hardly walk, but just like roller coaseter and stuff like this... they wont be going up on a ride with me anymore... not like those small kid roller coaster they used to bring me to when im young... they could take a ride with me in those but not those that i could still find excictment in....

4. odd numbered family member... most of the time when u travel, it's best it's in pair... so things can be done in pair. like most of the activity required... even not pairs... it's usually even number and not odd number

well if 4 reasons above are not sufficient... i could provide more... butjust not at this moment.

That's why i have hardly travel with my parents since i was in secondary school... frankly speaking, i couldnt even recall the last time we actually travel as a family.. i think it was kuching when i was like 7 / 8 ??? well of coz driving to ipoh, penang johore, singapore... i din count that as travel... i donoe why... mayb they are just too near and most of the time we go there with something official biz to do and along side with travel... (travelling is side dish) also these does not requires passport... yes yes singapore need... but i have stayed in singapore for about 3 years when im young... so singapore to me are just like... erm... going home (feels like) and it doesnt gives me the feeling of travelling...

my dad will be back for CNY and mum has asked to plan a holiday... stil figuring where to go .... i have langkawi in mind... but the tot of wat to do there... just... keep me wanting nothing more...

shall continue to think then....

*bored* Working*

Thursday, January 03, 2008

of Working and Masters

As pointed out by huixin :" an update, finally"

Guess that this could be a rountine again since i have a computer lab class every friday which i really doesn't have much to do... Question is, why cant i just update at home? (That was a question with no answer) and afterall it all depends on whether if i have any topic to expressed on.

Are there no others option other than working and continuing your studies after you have finally graduated from a university recieving a Bachelor degreee? I guess there are really not much option... if u say you could start travelling, but how long more before u actually used up your money (or your parent's money).. if you say venture into business, doesnt it consider as working again? Thus, conclusion of this will be, wokring should be the most probabe exit of graduation. Yet, it is often reported that graduates now are not able to get a job after graduation, why is that so ?

My focus here today are not on the reasons of gradutes not getting job or wat even im quite worried that i might just be the rest having the same attitude problem but that's beside the topic before i actually make up my mind if i were to continue my studies or to start working.

Despite the common exit is to get into the job market and start contributing to the society (or so-called) and earning money at the same time, yet part of me will like to continue studies after 18 years of not-so-good nor not-so-bad studies.

Studying a degree in Medical BioScience could be rewarding and yet depressing... rewarding in terms of gaining in terms of knowledge and it's afterall what i like, but wat is depressing is that the job scopes are rather tiny, on top of that, the career advancement that im much looking forward to are just way too tiny...

*Paused during class, Resume a day after at home*

well i was saying... the tiny career advancement... it's reli hard for me to accept the fact that i might be a laboratory technician in a lab for the next 10 - 15 years... with mayb a 100dollar increment a year and nothing else, such as any breakthru or climbing the ladder of career... that's all i guess...

but on the other hand, if i reli choose the path of academician... how many of u can actually imagine me as Dr. Chan in like 10 years time... i have to admit that im not a very good person in academic... so... hmmm that's an option to really think about also...

guess i'll just end it here and get back to my lunch...