Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Difference of Pertahanan Awam and RELA

today, my dear readers i am going to just show the difference between Pertahanan Awam and RELA...

yes, pertahanan awam is what i join not RELA... I have always been confused by ppl saying that im a "RELA" which with all due respect is not true.... so i will just list the difference here ....

1. First of all, we are governed by different Ministry
RELA - Ministry of Home Affairs
Pertahanan Awam - Ministry of Internal Security
where The Minister of Home Affairs is Y.B. DATO' SERI MOHD RADZI BIN SHEIKH AHMAD
while the Minister of Internal Security is Y.A.B. DATO' SERI ABDULLAH BIN HAJI AHMAD BADAWI which also is our Prime Minister. So... in this, you can see that we are DIFFERENT...

2. Okey.. Second, Yes we are all volunteers (Sukarelawan) but not all Vonlunteers are to be called "RELA" rite ? RELA stands for Ikatan Relawan Rakyat Malaysia (People's Volunteer Corps)... It's RELAWAN RAKYAT(People's Volunteer) which functions something like home guard(being decribed in thier website).as for us, we are Pertahanan Awam or in english Civil Defence, which defence the country without weapon.

3. Third, we are under different Laws of Malaysia
RELA - Emergency (Essential Powers) Act 1964 (Security Force)
Pertahanan Awam- Act 221 Civil Defence Act, Act 425(Akta Perkhidmatan Negara 1952 Semakan 1990) and Perlembagaan Malaysia Perkara 74 and 77.

RELA was formed under the Emergency (Essential Powers) Act on the 11 January 1972 as voluntary government security apparatus

While us(Pertahanan Awam) is formed in 1939 by the british as a form of Passive Defence under the Emergency Regulation Enactment Chapter 41 to help in the World War II.

By the means of Perlembagaan Malaysia Perkara 74 and 77, Pertahanan Awam is part of the Defence Force of Malaysia.

4. Since we are set up under differnt regualtion and act, our function is totally difference, but some similarity within also...

From www.moha.gov.my/opencms/export/KHEDN/BhgJ2/index.html,

(i)RELA was established to provide opportunities for patriotic citizens to become members of a government security agency which was formed to assist, maintain and safeguard peace and security in the country.
(ii)Its establishment is consistent with the philosophy that the responsibility of defending the sovereignty and independence of the country is in the hands of its own citizens, with all citizens playing their respective roles.

which in short is something like citizen-formed alliance that protect the nation and citizens' peace and security in the country.

As for Pertahanan Awam,

Pertahanan Awam have 2 function in 2 different time, During War and During Peace,

During war,
Civil Defence will protect the country by all means without involving the use of weapon. Action is taking before, during and after the war.

During Peace,
Civil Defence will protect the lives and properties of citizen whether if the action is taken before, during or after the event.

So for the similarity, it will be both of us trying to protect the safety of citizen so there are times that we will be working together.

Motto For RELA is Ready to Serve

5. Officers of RELA could with some regulation carry weapon(gun) when they are doing thier duty but not for Pertahanan Awam.

6. RELA main function is to control the peace while Pertahanan Awam is to save lifes and properties mostly during natural disaster or just "madn-made" disasters, accidents and others. We are trained to perform first aid, RELA too, but that's our primary aim not thier's. We have ambulance services, we are also equipped with essential knowledge and equipment that can save lifes during fire such as fire-bridgage and others, but thier small compare to the Fire Rescue Department (those red ones u see everywhere... )

7. Different logo...
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Pertahanan Awam

8. For u to diffrentiate us when u see one of us...
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Notice the Beret ( cap on top of the head) - it's Yellow together with thier badge
The line above the left hand (circled) pocket says thier registered personal "call number" which is detachedable... the name and the number are "stick-on" kind...

on the left sleeve(circled) is a line written "RELA"

as for pertahanan Awam,
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this is the formal uniform where u can see
the beret - is orange, with gold colour crest on it
on top of left pocket is written "Pertahanan Awam" or "JPA3" instead of number as like RELA... It's sew on and the name is on the right which also is sew on.
The line on the left sleeve is written "Pertahanan Awam"

In general, our uniform is green colour, but the RELA has a lighter green while us is a darker green. u can tell when both stand together... hahaha ...

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sometimes we also wear half uniform during our duty...
the black beret is juz a older version , it does not show anything special ... and the top will be in orange ...

In general , RELA is assocaited to Yellow colour and Pertahanan Awam is Orange

i think that's all i can think now... there are more actually.. so stop getting us confused... and im not a RELA... im a Pertahanan Awam.... stop referring me as RELA or call me one.. hahaha ...

Sunday, October 22, 2006

An Ambulance Driving Experience

Oh yeah... so.. i finally drove an ambulance out... Yeah.. and the first time i drove for 54KMs most of the time, i dun even drive more than a KM.. because what i usually do is onli drive out of the parking.. give it a few rountine check and reverse it back.. and if there's a case, i wont be driving because i dont have much experience and rushing to the accident venue, it takes more than skill... oh yeah did i mention that all the ambulance are manual? yes.. not the automatic transmittion like most of us drive.... (hmm... most of us ? ok.. at least for me...hahah)

so... wat's so special about today when i finally drive the ambulance for such a long journey? hahha... it's actually the Operasi Sikap XI 2006... so with the lauch of this operasi government agencies are to keep track of everyone's safety during this festives season.. so... we get to drive the ambulance to make some observation on major highway so if any accident happen, medical attention could be given to those who need it... but it's onli rescrited to highways only, at least for our ambulance service lah...

since it's juz some observation (permantauan, rondaan) so we are driving at fairly slow speed and so... i get to drive loh.. no rushing to anywhere also... so i went to make some observation on the federal highway (Shah Alam - Klang) and Kesas Highway (Subang, Kewajipan- Klang- Westport) and find that the roads are cleared and no accident (good...ppl are following the rulez and they are safe ! ) oh yeah... best part of driving an ambulance with "beacon light" (in case u donoe wat a beacon light is, is actually the shiny shiny thing on top of ambulance that usually accompany with siren "e-o e-o e-o"... without the siren, the light itself is called beacon light and with siren, we usaully call the combination as siren...) and also... PASSING TOLL WITHOUT PAYING... hahaha bestkan... i all did was juz... reach the toll plaza greet the person, and say "minta jalan" (yes broken malay.. but.. ) den they will life up the gate and let me pass.. If the person is an experience worker, they will juz lift up the barrier rite before u reach, inexperience worker can give u headache such as asking me "Boleh saya bagi tiket ar... ?"(can i provide u a ticket? ) hahaha and i passed 5 tolls yesterday where 5 diiferent kind of worker let me pass...

i drove for about an hour and half den when back to the centre (PULAPA-Pusat latihan Pertahanan AWam dearah Klang) after finishing up some report (yes.. ISO wanting angency will give u headahce when it come to filling forms.. .tons of it to be filled after an operation, case etc... ) and i went to sleep...

in conclusion the driving of ambulance is a great experience... !!! *pupil dilates* hahaha oppps... and i hope will have another try again soon...

that's all for now...

to everyone that will be leaving town... drive safely, follow all the advice given.. same goes to those coming home, so that the festive season could be filled with more fun and also to make sure that more raya/deepavali could be spend...

Friday, October 20, 2006


Exam are near however i still wan to take the time to wish all my indian and malay frens and also everyone out there Happy Deepavali and Selamat Hari Raya...

Salam Lebaran 1427 Hijrah

Friday, October 13, 2006

National Heritage

"Jason if you're reading this, update your goddamn blog lar.... You submitting it for the national archives or applying for natural heritage eh?" (Ng,2006)

hah... finally something triggers me to blog!!! yes the comment above reli got me to blogger and start blogging again...

Yes yes my dear readers.... i know u are cursing me... scolding me... doing all sorts of thing to get me blog again and yes i know too that i have broke a promise to blog in BM but that was AGES yes ages ago... so ... hahah .. no more malay post but here's a english post after 1month and 14 days break from the last post ? hahaha that's abit long ...

at this moment when i blog..i have not check the tag board for about a month... so ... i donoe wat curses or scolding i will get... till i finish bloggin i shall check the tag board...

btw.. did i say sorry for being not bloggin for sometime above... nvm sorry are never too much (well i do know SOMEONE that hates sorry being repeated... haha)....

so if u ask me wat happen for the past month... i would say TOO MUCH ... alot of things has happen... a month time is not short... but it's long ... but lessons learnt are definatly alot ...

well the most common thing will be assignments, reports and tests... hectic... !!!! september .. if review... i donoe howmany reports test and assignment i have rush and how many nites were not filled with dreams but work instead.. let's not touch about this... ALMOST all uni student get that... juz that i might be getting SLIGHTLY more than the rest becoz im a science student ? okey... im not trying to say biz or arts ppl dont have homework ... juz not as much as us... u guys too have ur own assignment to be headache with... juz that ours is weekly basis... hahah ...
However, today is the day where im announced to be FREE FROM ASSIGNMENTS REPORTS AND TESTS FOR THIS SEMESTER... exam not done yet... 6 more papers to come....

Okey...another recent event would be our MUSA (MOnash University Student Association) Annual General erection ... opps... election ... hahaha that was lke 2 weeks ago... in this .. i ran for the Head of Clubs and Societies position... well... after a week of political fight... i won the post... with 12 votes more than more opponent... in that very particular week... i've learnt the DARKNESS of politic... wah liao ... i reli donoe how to describe lah... it's dark .. and messy... never know it could go that bad... hahaha

one of the reason i left this place for a month or so because i couldnt find my MOOD to update... i know it's irresponsible... but yeah again sorry.. alot of things in my mind but i juz could find the WORDS and MOOD to blog... so i kept most to myself and share some with my frenz...

juz went for a yum cha session ... i found that i might be having homesick at home too from next year onwards... ppl i used to share my thought will be leaving... leng,dayton,buzzy,huixin.. all leaving... min,zhiyi they all oledi not here liao... i wonder how i am gonna stay alive then... but at least i still got wurn,jiae,imm they all... that should be something to be happy... but... haih... nvm... details aside... my mind now is very mixed up... need some time to arrange them...

so till i next post...(hopefully in NEAR future...) hahah depends lah ...
good Bye....


p/s: Darren NG... i will sure wan to apply to be national haritage if i can lah ... hahaha

Friday, September 01, 2006

Minggu BM

Malaysia, Tanah darahku melimpah telah menyambut kemerdekaan ke 49 pada 31 ogos yang lalu.... demi menunjukkan semangat kesetiaan and cintaku terhadap bumi yang indah ini, saya akan meng-blog-kan selama seminggu dari hari esok hingga the ahad depan... harap para anak malaysia boleh bersama saya menunjukkan semangat anda... BM anda tidak perlulah 1A punya... Saya pun bukan 1A punya pelajar... akan tetapi, saya akan berusaha penuh untuk seminggu yang akan datang ini...

Sahabat-Sahabat yang turut menyertai (sehingga 12.30am 2 Sep 2006)
1. Darren dan "isteri"
2. Sook Wai

harap agar para pembaca tidak mengelak apabila melihat BM-ku (Ke-Malu-an-ku...haha) yang mengandungi kecacatan... walaupun aku pernah jadi Pengeusi Persatuan BM tetapi sudah lama ku tidak guna BM... Alhamdulliah... harap minggu ini dapat mengeluahkan feeling aku ni dengan BM yang betul hahaha

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Long Hiatus

it was a long hiatus .... not that long . but the past few weeks feels like forever for me ... almost everyday is filled up with stuff to do to finish ... somehow i have something at anytime of the day ... either work ... or fun ... but the former is more common... let juz leave the assigments aside as this is no longer the frist time i complained i have no life and my life is onli about assingment and calsses....

so im finally 20... so wat ? im old yeah i know ... 20 is reli something ...a big leap ... a giant one... well this yr's bday celebration is a bit differnt becoz is not like i spend the whole day out celebrating .. infact.. half of my day was being hooked up in some very stupid duty.... but im cool with it ... becoz i know somehow someday ... bday will b juz another ordianry day ... hahaha

something else i wan to touch on ... wat's wrong with guys and strawberries ?? is there a prob ? y am i being refered as sisi when i say i like stawrberries ice cream drink and smell ??? i have to be a girl to liek taht ?? i like sour things in general okey ...

Why do we fear ? why are we fear of speaking something ? that's becoz we do not have enuff insight of wat we fear of... so to me ... dying is juz an end to a cycle ... so... i speak of DEATH liek my fren .. but often my fren cant accept it ... haha i know it;s hard to accept lah .. but for me .. im okey .. becoz i understand it ... so .. i dun fear it .. so i speak of it ...

lots of randomness above rite ... hahaha here comes something i wan to tok about ...

today is my first day i went to a convo... a local public university convo... it's reli reli reli cool ~~ i love it ... Today is Bao Wei's Big day .. the day he walks out the dewan tunku chancellor holding his scroll (empty wan... later onli get... hahha) ... well i donoe y .. i feels good to see frenz walking out ... even if that's not u ... u felt the joy ...
since this is my first time ... im reli happy to see this kind of situation ... its almost same as wat we usally see in tv or movie... ppl toasting grads ... throwing of the grad hat i doneo wat it call tell me if anyone know ... hahaha cheerin ...lots of ppl ... and the most improtant wan ... the convo is liek a grand thing ... i wonder if that will happen to me one day or not ... becoz i wonder how may ppl will grad with me at monash malaysia ... most of them will leave to aust... and i wonder if i will grad on time ... with all my other frenz...
well my point is ... UM convo is reli reli wat im hoping for ... it proves to me that wat we see in movies... it is actually a practice here to.. it's for real .. not juz some fiction ... hahaha

i shall go now ... it's late... first time i finish report so fast... tml class ealry ... so ... till i blog again ... love, jason

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A very unique "realtionship"

Somewhere, out there, chemistry is happening,
i somehow get to share a very unique 'relationship' with this girl and her name is ... PIXIE...

i dun think many of u know who she is ... and i dun think i ever mention her to many of u .. mayb juz the few close fren of mine... so now ... sice she has disclosed alot of my information ... i shall do so to her too

Name : Lim Pi Xie
Age: 20
DOB : 1986 Dec 27
Add : (Former) 16, Jalan PJS 9.26 Bandar Sunway
Current Location : Memorial UNiversity of Newfoundland , St. John's , NL , Canada

okey... why i say we have this relationship ? i have to admit it started out quite weird ... well at least for me it's weird...

so one day, when i was checking my frenster ac... the old one which i do not usually maintain ... and i found this msg.. titiled " DO U Study In MUN".. i was shocked to see the title because i was wondering if the MUN is the MUN im thinking about ... den i read it... ( I usually dun read msg from strangers... only when the title attracts me ... haha)

so i opened it and the first question she asked was.. am i a malaysian haha . i find it funny .. well for a complete stranger it's not funny lah .. haha well then i start to reply her and i always remind myself to log in this frenster ac at least weekly and at that time i have class in computer lab every friday and i made that a time that i check my frenster ac ... because the class is too boring .. hahaha

den we continue for sometime the msg until i asked for her msn ... and it was then .. our conversations was all brought to MSN and no longer in frenster..

when we were "chatting" in frenster.. it was a bit distal... however, when we started to chat in msn .. .to my surprise ... we can actually crap anything at anytime ... even the time difference is like 13 or 11 hours ... but yet ... we can still chat and crap ... and until a day ... i dun remember when ... it came a shocking news... we summarized that we had alot in common ...

here's the all we have in common ... i will start will the least convincing till the most...

1. We have quite a number of frenz in common ...

2. we both love almost the same food... eg. Assam Laksa and Tom Yam

3. My ex-gf is her fren's fren .. ( this is a new discovery... very recent)

4. We like to tok ... mulut murai .. hahaha

5. We both studied in Sunway College in the same year 2004. She was taking A levels while i was doing my CIMP. Same campus, the compaund not that big and i was the student coucil ( i represent her at times.. because i represent the students in general) and my face could be seen on the brochure of sunway university college ... and yet... we didnt meet... or mayb we did we juz donoe each other and she wasnt attractive enuff for me .. hahahaha

6. I went to Canada to study for a week rite ... for those of u who know .. and i came back ... i went on winter 2005 and came back the same time... i went to Memorial University of Newfoundland .. and she went to the same place... but on the second year... 2006...and she is still there... only if i went a year later... i would have met her ... ( she knows my housemate there also ... )

7. Our best frenz used to date... Dayton my best fren and lilia her best fren ... they used to date and yet we didnt meet each other b4 ... considering that my best fren always brings lilia out... hmm... reli no jodoh .. hahaha

8. and the last for now ... and the most shocking wan i got... She used to be my neighbour... and stay like 4 doors away from me ... i stay in 8 and she stays in 16 when we were in primary 3 i think ... but she moved out very fast .. in 9 months time if i could still remember ... BUT here comes the BUT ... BUt we have never met each other ... hey'' it's like 4 doors away ... if my mother whack me at that time and i cry .. it is possible that she could hear me also .. hahaha and that's how near it is ...

if that's not shocking for u ... try me ... provide me with some other REAL example u have encoutered that is more shocking or a better "realtionship" haha ..

i hope that i will see her soon .. but i have to pray that she gets a job next summer so she will come back on next winter... or if she dont .. she will come back in next summer... im forced to pray that she get a job .. so i will have a big pressie when it comes to chirstmas rite , pixie ? hahha

our frist meeting shall be our favourite food ... hahaha

PIxie .. if u could find anythign thing else do let me know hahaha ...

you guys could go overand see wat she write about us at http://pxlim1986.spaces.msn.com/

here's a photo of her

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

long haitus...

okey... so 13 days didnt update my blog.. kena kutuk from jane and sook wai ... like im somekind of lazy fellow... that sits in front of comp and dowan to update the blog... okey i have to admit that's a bit long ... coz blog should be daily ( who say wan !!!! blog is not diary lah ... crap)

enuff said... well basically i didnt update becoz i was teaching in a primary school in cheras ( taman caughnnaut..ok i doneo how to spell hahaha)... for a week teaching malay... this time changed a school because my fren's mum is the headmistress and needed teacher so i went loh ... well it was a totally differnt experience.. knowing that i know no one in the school other than the headmistress which i dun think is very easy to just walk up to her and tok to her ... but .. luckily my frist day got huixin... thankz huixin.. hahaa the whole week was quite tired.. so i didnt reli have much time to update blog..

and now .. uni started which means my hectic timetables starts... now im a sophomore... joyful but however, we need to pay the price, which is to have to spend more time in school including more break time in uni with nothing to do... and lab starts first week... today had our first genetic lab... today was reli tired... i was literally sleeping in my gen lecture at 4pm juz as if the class is my room.. i wonder if i snored... hahaha but class never end until 7pm with anatomy lecture from a malay lecturer from UKM ... she.. i will tell later... not the kind of lecturer i hope for... and i hope i wont cari pasal with this one this time...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Ferrari, Porche, Fairlady...

hello again every one !!! i'm back !! sorry for leaving my blog hanging for sometime ... actually if i say i'm not free ... im telling a lie there for sure... i do have time in between of things to update my blog but it's just that i cant get the mood to update or just plain lazy lah ... hahaa

So... a little update of how things had been in my life for the past erm .. 3 weeks ?

1st... exam is finally over (gosh ... that's like long time ago oledi lah ... ) yeah but it was over ... hahaha just in case u guys didnt know...

2nd... i went to a training camp in Jengka, Pahang... the camp was held in Pusat Latihan Pertahanan Awam (PULAPA)... it's a first aid training... but it sorta like recap of wat i've learnt... CPR and Chocking... something extra is the pembalutan of luka.. that's all ... however, it's a very different experience as it's rare that u can sleep, eat, learn and doing everything surrounded by malays (at least i dont usually do that) ... in the camp, there were 3 courses running at the same time, there are Asas Bencana(Disaster Managment Basic), First Aid ( the name speaks it all...) and Penyelamat Teknikal(techinical life saving such as saving ppl in the jungle, down the cliff and so on)... so did i say that i was in first aid? nvm now i'm telling u i was in the first aid course... all 3 courses together there are 101 ppl in the camp out of which no indian and only 4 chinese... TOTALLY 4 chinese onli... even if u include all the fasilitators and ppl who work in the camp... there are still ONLY 4 chinese there ... 3 other chinese is from the course of Asas bencana while onli me (yes i'm chinese if u arenot aware) from first aid... however, no biggie.. nothing big had happen nor am i being bullied by malay.. thank god.. hahaha instead ... my classmates (first aid) treats me pretty well, mayb i'm the odd one so ... they sort of show MORE intrest in me ...

i went and came back with lorry... those military lorry (ring a bell ??) yeap... first itme experience ... good also ... not bad .. just very hot and the wind very strong ... hhaha so reach there on sunday afternoon... checked in and we stay in sorta rumah panjang with apporx 50 double deckers in one house... no aircond.. fan onli ... and damm lot of wierd wierd flying and non-flying insects (because the area is sorta beside jungle) so sunday was reli nothing to us... sorta free day ... den lesson starts second day .. monday ... and it continue with tuesday ... wake up 5am brush and bathe and everything .. 630 start marching and raise the flags... sing negaraku and our corprate song... den continue marching until 730 go for breakfast den it's class the whole day until nite ... btw.. they serve 6 meals a day !!(and i as thinking i might get thinner when i go camp)...
the 6 meals are
1. Sarapan Pagi ( 0730- 0800)
2. Minum Pagi (1015-1045)
3. Makan Tengah Hari ( 1230-1330)
4. Minum Petang (1600-1630)
5. Makan Malam( 1830-1930) + Rehat until 2100
6. Minum Malam (2300-2330)
after 2100 is class until 2300 den it continue with sleep until 0500 the next day ( not enuff sleep)

so wat's intresting is on wednesday.. where i stimulation was done inside the Pusat Latihan for onli the first aiders, where the senario was a bus was hit by a van... 8 casualties was hurt in the accident, various injuries... it was in the morning while in the afternoon... together with asas bencana , we ride the lorry again to go to a jungle and riverside to have a major sitmulation which will include all the 3 groups of ppl together working on different task on a same disaster... so the disaster was set to be a aeroplane disaster where the plane hit into the forest.. 44 mangsa(someone tell me wat's english for mangsa.. icant think of it now) so again we put in wat we have laern for the past two days into this stimulation, first... the asas bencana ppl will start to asses the situation and give a clear instuction to both penyelamat teknikal and first aid wat is the disaster and stuff we need to know... den penyelamat teknikal will go in and start picking mangsa out... and send to us(the first aider) and we will start doing our job to save thier life... that sitmulation was fun... when it ended... we put everything back in the lorry and we were required to go into the river and start playin and bath ther (not reli bath.. but main main lah) in our uniform ... so all of us was all wet when we got back... including my boots pants and everything ... so the next day i have to wear that boot to go markching and everything ...

the next day, is practical test... i've done well... i was the fastest to do the pembalutan... hehehe... and the last day is written test.. i think i screwed it .. forgot alot of my malay and din quite remember the facts hahaha ... but it concluded... hhaha

now wat was i to say about the 3rd thing ...
ok... so the 3rd thing sorta happen long b4 ... during exam period but i wonder if i've said it ...
i finally got a clear rejection from her... so i guess i've get over her in some very short time... i was reli sad but ... i asked for it .. i sendiri cari pasal ... and afterall all these while i've been clapping with a side of my hand onli ... so... i have to move on...

have u ever been to store... see something like a clock or a car... which cost like millions of dollar where at this moment u like it so so so much but u just cant afford it ... and u have to let it go ? walk pass and u might tell urself "one day i when i ot rich i will come back and buy U"

so wat if u reli got rich and came back to the same stall or shop... 2 scenario
1. the thing u liked so much no longer there...
2. u can afford that thing but do u still wan it ... or u go for the more expensive wan which u could also afford...

will u still get the same thing ? i donoe because i have got rich .. hahaha but i say these for a reason .. to apply into my case...

now may mei is liek a thing that i cant afford... so i just walk pass... and i might say i might get u some day in my life ... but just not now .. or mayb never... i've learnt my lesson ... who knows wat will happen when i grew old and reli face the 2 scenario ... who knows wat will happen at that moment... i but or dun buy or itwasnt there anymore ... so ... i'm not gonna think of future first... settle wats in front of me now ... and get on with the life... mayb i might find another thing that i could afford and at the same time ... i love it so much .. rite ? and not save the money up and find that in the future i dun like the original thing or the thing was sold just becoz at that moment i cant afford...

so i think that's all for now ...

update some other time...

p.s: i finally finish p.s. i love u which i borrowed ssince like god knows when from sookwai ... hahaha ...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Say Goodbye

First of all, My Condolences to PC for the lost of his grandmother... (yes... yet another one...gosh.. y?)

secondly, condolences to my laptop, he's dead... almost... one of the on the key board has gone crazy ... uncontrolable... damm sad....

everything seems to come at one shot.. in a weeks time .. i cant count with my fingers ( all together 10 of it)things that has brought my mood down from the already-down-mood...

nvm ... now ... approximately 26 hour counting down to BTH .. and then .. i will have time to blog again ...

till then , if i survive, i should blog again ... !!!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Dear plz dun leave me ... plz .. i will make it up to u ... trust me ... believe me .. plz ... no ... dun go ~~~~
i promise i will break up with her ... come back to me ... i know i'm wrong .. but this is reli not the time for break up lah my dear ...

my dear book ... come back to me ... i'll sure break up with pimples wan ... trust me ... one last time ... gimme another chance ... okey ... will you .. dear book .. come back to me ... i wan to study ... i'm slacking .. no way ...

*jason stress to much because he cant start studying... slap him..that's y this stupid post occured... hahah*

Saturday, June 03, 2006

life ~ as i see it ...

y do we always have so many things to thikn of when we r at the busiest moment of the week, month, year? or was it just me ?? oh .. i'm not sure ... but that's wat i experienced... so .. using "we" would be not suitable at all... hmmm .. but i;m not changing it ... coz we sounds nicer... cooler ...

yeah ... so from where i stand... exam is stressful enuff ( even if i dun feel stress when i;m suppose to... mayb just too stress to feel stress?? hmm.. wat did i just said ??i also doneo ..haha) and on top of this stressful .. er.."event" there are something else... problems that is not given the priority.. but .. is dominating wat is was to be the priority-exam.

these problems .. i would classified them into long-term problem which has been haunting me for quite sometime... one... the problem that underlays for about 3 years... confessed ... but seems like ppl have just ignored the email.. okey fine... i need time to deal with it .. but just not now... EXAM(a self reminder!ignore it)

second... DEATH... i know much ppl would not like this post... if u r not up to sour or bitter... or just dowan to be influence ... i command you to stop rite at this fullstop.

DEATH and Sickness... 2 of a series process where everyone has to go thru in the cycle of life.. and another word for this i would say it is part of "LIFE" yeah .. wonder y i bring this up again? after my fren's dad has this liver cyrosis and passed away.. now my best fren's mum have lumps in the breast and if not mistken T-cells count in her liver is higher than usual.. and her dad has swollen liver... i donoe y this happen .. they lived a healty lifesytle... and yet ... haih .. on the other hand.. another best fren(same group as the best fren above... we are a group of 4 ppl 2 girl and 2 guys) her mum has the lump in her breast too.. wth.. !!! all of a sudden getting this kind of news... ok fine... not gonna continue .. i doneo wat is these man.. wat's wif cancer and my fren's family ... ppl that i knew ... why .. haih... i have a probelm to solve myself regarding this issue...myself...

on the bright side ... My lovely Andrea Yeo is home from UK !!! HOOOOORAYYYY !!!! muackx muackx... hahaha .. gonna spend time wif her .. i got to her house just now .. she juz reach and we crushed her house and chit chatted for whole nite..(not pass midnite .. but still i would say wholenite.. haha)


That's all for now ...
Jason that is waiting for an answer...

p.s. I'm not gonna answer any questions on the Death and sickness part .. so bother asking.. sorry to be rude...

Friday, June 02, 2006

one great leap

i've took a great leap forward in my life ... trying to remove a strong that is so huge away from my way that leads to A future...

hope she will give an answer ... hope she will ... good or bad ... at least an answer ...


dear agong, happ birthday (like i know him very well .. like he's my granda) (no big no small (cantonese!!!))hahaha

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

When exam is close...

Hah... so mayb i should be giving myself a break ... ( yea rite .. i had alot of it ... y am i still askign for BReaks....) gosh.. i'm so ... "wasted." wasted not reli the word... coz it should mean that i;m drunk rite .. but i;m not... okey mayb i'll intoxicated... toxicated by my biz stats... hahaha ... and other subject...
exams are near .. and i'm far from able to take test... haih ... y y y .. !!!

nvm .. i juz wan to crap a little here.. and to inform that i should not be able to blog for sometime .. unless something excites me or i find something intresting hahaha ...

Testing for putting secret.. hahah let me know if u see this stupid line ... hahah
angels come to me now...

Saturday, May 20, 2006


好像在不久前发现了一些新的东西。。。 原来自从我从加拿大回来后,很多人都好像在迁就我。。有这样的事吗?Somehow 我觉得,使在我身上的期望好像减少了。。也非常多人在顺服我, 任由我独一霸行。。 这样好吗? 


我觉得。。这一切,需要停止了。。我不能要全世界来顺我一人。。。 反而。。 我应该自我检讨,从自己变起,来面对这世界。 而不是要这世界变,来迁就我。。。

在另一起事件,我不知道为什么,我被我的同班同学给弄生气了。。 原因?我也很好奇,使他一时想不开还是什么。。就应为我再说她和她的男朋友。。他就要生我的气? 那未免太小孩子气了吧!还是我太过分了?有这可能性存在,但我也不排除说是她过敏了。。。她一向来做事, 我都看不顺眼。。 但也忍气吞声了很久。。。 他做事。。一定要她所想得一样。。。有她的规则, 不可以不一样, 稍稍的变通也不可以。。还有几次, 我先把功课给作完。。当然,如果说可以帮到同学,我一定异不容词的让你过目,让你参考,把振份功课传给你,但是,当成级派回来时, 她高分过我,这我也可以接受, 不可以接受的事,他竟然说我没帮到她, 她妈的。。已从那几次的事件后, 我一直都在找理由,躲避他问我,叫我把功课给她,偶尔还是会给她一两次。。。 但是。。。 我已无法忍受了。。。


是否男人都不可以在这些事上做什么。。。 是不是一定要大方让她呢?好难哦!!天啊!尝试尝试吧!haihz...
On Friday afternoon... (hmm y sounds so former... haha) ok ok ... after all our assigment was done... me and my class mate together with ellie and addy went to hartamas for fondue... hahaha sookie have been craving for it.. and somehow i dun remmeber y i promised to bring her there ... somehow .. hahaah .. let the picture say something ... oh yeah .. the fondue was awesome... but it's not enuff for u to dip!!! we didnt know until when our liquidfied cheese was running out.. then onli we save on the cheese dip hahaha
here you go ~

*p.s. Pictures shown below are not in order and it's courtesy of Joanne and Sook Wai taken by thier T5 and Lumix FX7*

EEeeeYer.. Jocelyn~~~ hahaha

Tim, jane and me ... sharing SET 7... quote jane"wooooo.. i cant wait... CHEEEESSSEEEEEEE"

Wooo.. "Fondue is being SERVED"

(L-R) Rachel, Ducky Quek, Joanne and Me !!! y rachel so happy wan ... ??? hahha

The Pinkies... hahaha
Up (L-R) Me and Sookie
Below (L-R) Jane, Ellie, Addy

Observed this and the picture below...

there you go.. did you see that when everyone is NOT looking at the camera... rachel is looing toward the camera ... but when everyone is looking .. she look elsewhere... to another camera... hahaha ... bagus ! hahah

Group Photo... haha.. where the rest of it ?

Ellie + Addy


Chocolate Fondue ~~~

Something that tags along with chocolate fondue... Mashmellows .... does it goes perfectly with chesse also ?? *wonder*

Cheese Fondue - Set 6!!!

SookWai and I

Poser Tim and Poser Jason

Poser Ellie and Poser Addy

When Camera-holic meets Papparazzi... Caught in Act ! haha

Jane and Ellie...

(L-R) Rachel, Joanne, Quek, SookWai, Ja-Ne

A better group picture of the "PINKs"

after that... the guys(tim and I) did something "suffering" they have to go shopping for cloths with the girls.. wat to do we are outnumbered and we are NICE!!! hahaha

Sunday, May 14, 2006

oh yea... i forgotten ... about funeral... chinese funeral are ... COMPLICATED ... so many things to do... i donoe .. chinese funeral as in taoism funeral lah ... it's reli complicated... buddish wan also close to that .. i suppose... never been to one yet ... but when i die .. i wish i could be settle fast and careless... no need to be so complicated... malay funeral will be the best! die-"bungkus"-pray for awhile-masuk tanah...nice fast effective ... excellent ...
i went back to my fren's dad funeral again today .. to pay the final respect... i cant lie .. but i hate it.. I HATE IT SO MUCH ... i hate to see how my fren suffer the lost... i cant bare to see his expression ... and i blame myself because i cant do anything ... i cant even walk near to comfort him... there were praying session going on ... and many things he take care of... during and after the funeral... well.. my fren and i was pallnign to wait for my fren after the funeral.. after his father is buried ... but he was too bz and at nite he wants to cool down .. well.. we decided that we need to bring him out often for the next feew months ... keeping track of him ... and mayb that's the least we could do ... i just hope he cant pick up fast... no need to be on the spot .. but over a period of time... a short period of time...

tiong hoe.. stand strong... you are with us... we have our feet, standing stong in the soil as root for you... u will be growing tree and we will be holding u together as we all grow together... STRONG my fren ...

Friday, May 12, 2006

phew..a bz week... basically.. it was indeed a buzy week... Bio Partial Lab report due tuesday ... Chem full repot(this is one hell crazzy report..16pages... damm...) BTH essay... 1500 words... ETW assigment... BTH Assingmetn... whew... onli the name of it is crazy enuff .. hahaa ... well still i managed to go over it ... next week is gonna be another bz week... dowan to mention the workload first... i dowan to reimnd myself first... well... the week was then became grey when i received a message from a fren ... saying that a dad of my fren pass away ...

going to funeral has been my "passtime" this yr... there's been 3 funeral up to this month... and they are getting closer to me .. from my mum's cousin to my mum's uncle den my fren's dad... on top of that... rachel's granma... i'm over-filled with news of ppl departing this world... y?

till now .. i still think that this yr is not a good year... everything bad seems to happen...

i went to see my fren and pay respect to his father this afternoon... when i tok to him.. he eyes were filled with tears... just that mayb he does wan the tears to drop... he was sustaining them... i could tell... i knew him since young first memory was std 5... but i think i knew him b4 that.. we got closer during form 4... and i know the dad since young also ... he alwasy comes to school to pick up my fren... his dad is a nice person ... he treat his son's fren like frenz ... he's a good person .. but y sad things keep happening .. i doneo wat i could do to help.. i reli donoe .. i;m bad at this ... i'm lousy in console and evething ... i can even say a line that is comforting ... now i see him suffer the pain of losing a father ... and i cant help .. haihz...

i keep blaming myself... i need to know ... i reli need to know wat could i do in this world .. wat part i can play in this world .. to make everyone happy... ppl alawys say ... i wanto become a doctor... so i can save more ppl... but how much can a doctor do ? ppl will still eventually leave this world... so i think .. the best way is that making everyone's life worth it as they are alive is mroe imporatnt ... keeping a person alive longer... that's second ... because if ur life is not happy... there's no point living on(twinbuzz...u r not subjected into this category plz... i dun think u r ...)..(that is for ppl that's sick... counting everysecond to the end ofthier life,... ) that's my argument... i'm sure alot ppl against it ... and if that happens to me *touchwood* i;m not sure if i could do the same... if that was your father .. u will definaetly want him to live longer ... and suffer the pain rite... i would now argue that living happy life is better but when it comes to me .. i might reli like to buy sometime instead of ending the suffering .. i doneo ... i cant say it coz i've never been into this situation ...

hiahz.. i'm drowing in my sorrows ... so ... this is another sad post... i doneo y this year has been like this... I WAN TO WORLD TO BE BETTER ... btu wat am i doing to change it ? nothing ? i suck ...

Monday, May 08, 2006

To JiaYee HaPPy 20th Birthday... it was 29 April ... i onli posted today .. sorry !

Friday, May 05, 2006

story from...

The following story of toad dissection lab was Courtesy of twinbuzz..www.dreamangels.blogdrive.com

The rat dissection went quite alright with a few girls standing as far away as possible. But, I must say that the cane toad dissection was really just disgusting. It's cold and slimy. The interesting event, which I didn't see [and thank goodness for that] was the fact that Jocelyn's toad "came back to life" after she had cut it open. It definitely scared a lot of students, although we were warned that something like that could happen before the lab session began. So, as much as it was damn disgusting, it was also rather fascinating to observe the inner parts of the mamalia and vertebrae. Now, the un-fun part is the report and drawings of the diagrams. Besides that, it was a memorable lab. Yes, we, science students and sick, and have no sympathy towards animals. Now, that's where you would be wrong. We are still human, and we feel sorry that these animals have been sacrificed.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Bufo marinus

Before the commerece of anything... as shout out to my darling "wife"(Plastic... need her to migrate.. no choice) hahah HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! good things will start falling together for you!

After the rat dissection and also the report of it... it came the lab session that we have it every tuesday... phew... the report wasnt easy...esp when drawing diagram... crap.. darn hard... i was juz hoping that i'm 10% as good as leonardo da vinci... so i can draw hahaha ... but this also help me to come out with a stupid idea ... tracing rite from my computer screen... hahah i know it sounds stupid... but it works... haihz... it might bring long term damage to my comp... dun care lah ... hahaha

oh oh ... so i was totally drifted away by my report... btu this is not the maini reseaon i write this post... this post is educational.... here you go ... the warning again ... haha

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Warning!!! The Content You are about to see may be offensive to some people. You must be able to take it to view it. Children under the age of 18 are required to have parents guidance when viewing the following blog post. If you are offended by and or if you cannot legally view this type of material where you reside, PLEASE EXIT NOW!

aight... the frog... haha... scientific name, Bufo Marinus... common name... list of it... toad, frog, and also TIN KAI!!! Tin Kai(Ayam Sawah, Paddy Field Chicken) is a delicacy of chinese ... or mayb juz malaysian chinese... i donoe bout that... but i ate b4 (not gonnaeat anymore... anytime soon...) it is cooked... with wat u gonna see below... haha ... our group got xiuQi very brave ... she did one ... and other frog in our group was disected by timothy as usual.. at first i was thinking if i could do it... den Jane's group ( group of 4 girls) didnt dare to do.. and invited me to do for them... den.. after thinking for a while .. i DID for them!! haha

reminder: you could see the following dissection very often in pasar malam or even pasar tani or pasar besar... so it's nothing not common haha...

ok ok ... let's see the pictures~~ ( i prefer the rats... the are cuter!!)*drum roll*

2 tubs of toads...whao...geli~

Focusing on ONE bucket


This picture shows show geli it was to a girl like GWEN.. haha look at her expression... super cute... hahah she looks cuter when she's scared hahaha

Frog lying there...

Lab assistant... getting the frog out of the bucket and lie it on the paraffin wax!

Better look on ppl who tried to faint them for our experiment..and notice yanyan at the back ?? smile and getting her gloves on... happily... she seems like she's gonna LOVE it..haha

Hands On!! On your mark, Get Set....

Go!! I was behind thinking "Can i reli do this??" haha... the answer... CAN WOR.. haha

Checking the tongue

Checking the leg... it has.. erm wat u call?? i donoe .. but is similar to duck's feet ... it helps for swimming in water

With arms withd open... opps... that;s not arms... that's the legs... checking anus...

Last anterior look...

Livers!! 3 lobes liver... human's liver is 2 lobes... dun mistaken it as 3 livers...

Woo.. getting nasty.. and bloody...

Interior of frog no comment

Closer Look

Something was removed?

Notice the nerves that connects to the skin of a frog??

My back!! hahah Me cutting on frog

Sook Wai took without letting me know... unvieling the evil side of me.. hahaha or was it scientific side of it?

Skin removed ... not so geli liao... but now... this is wat u always eat.. in restuarant ... tin kai... hahahah

Me...cutting of a pouch that connects to the Big and small intestine... but donoe wat it is...

Conclusion... it's SHIT PACKET...it contains lots and lots of shit...

Tim's Frog... no blood ... PRO MAN... hhaha

Whao... Major discovery?

Nah~ it's the nerves... major discovery also.. but a mojor discovery that was discovered by me few minutes beofre him... too bad... hahaha

Haha... so that's all for this lab ... btw.. mayb i will post sookie's post on the dissection if she got post anything lah ... quite lazy to write ...

Objective of the lab was to check out the nervous system and the digestive system... no reproduction was involved...

sign out... Jason... 5.35PM