Thursday, April 13, 2006

Holiday is in another 2 more hours... have been waiting for sometime for this break... well when you have holiday you will look forawrd to class to start... and the other way round, you'll so look forward to holiday when school starts... hahaa ... it's just weird...

when out with sook wai and lili yesterday... it;s been long since i've seen them... something sook wai said was so true... she said.. "it's all because of ONE WORD(LAZY) that ppl will start losing contact" which i think is indeed true... but... is that the only way to maintain a relationship? To be HARDWORKING ?

With the assigment load everyone in university have... is that possible to spear out so many time to meet up with so many frenz...?? well ppl do say ... it's possible when u work it out... nothing is immpossible ... yeah TRUE , again BUT... we would be HARDWORKING to keep in touch with fren and losing touch with out HOMEWORK?

that's a problem of wieghting the pros and cons... you weight it yourself... i cant live without my fren out there.. including YOU! yes... you, who are reading my blog... hahah... but i cant live without graduting here also..... but i swill still meet up with YOU...

now that my college mates are getting lesser in meeting up... i recall my frist sem last yr... we go movie occasionally... lunch together in sp .. fun time... holiday go chilis... all og the good time.. now ... we hardly get all in a gorup to even go for lunch ... haih... sad case... why is that so leh ? i donoe ... if u r kind.. make me see the light..

i think it will be for now first.. as usual .. in CLASS hahaha ...


huixin said... can't live without me!! so touch!!

JasonC said...

yeah... (r u touching urself?? hahah)

huixin said...

sorry la..grammer error. Cikgu Chan, i want to do correction -->'touched'